Monday, May 15, 2006

Headin' South

The Will Vehrs Goodwill Tour has begun.

I've been in touch with Will over the past few days and I am looking forward to his arrival in Henry County sometime today. Hopefully between the two of us some time can be found for a chat over a beer one evening or coffee some morning while he's here.

I know Will will be treated fairly by Bill Wyatt, a local radio and television station owner/operator. It seems that Mary Rives Brown (she's the one with the great smile on the right) has lightened up a bit. Ward Armstrong has offered to meet with Will as well. (Although Ward has yet to answer my question.)

I've also learned from Will that he will cease blogging once his suspension is over. You can hear the reasoning behind this decision directly from Will himself on this Podcast from J.R. Hoeft.

The only good thing about the end of Will's blogging is that, coupled with Barnie Day's similar decision late last year, the average literary value of Virginia's remaining bloggers will immediately rise by a factor of at least 10.

For what it's worth, I wrote this at work...

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