Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Contribute to the Virginia Literacy Foundation.

Waldo reminds me that the joy of reading is one I tend to take for granted. I remember my mother getting me a subscription to the Roanoke Times when I was in the second grade. Even at that early age I had come to love reading, and she, in her infinate wisdom, knew that a daily source of fresh reading material would be good for me. I must admit it was, and am happy to confirm that 40+ years of The Roanoke Times have not yet converted me to liberalism.

On a more serious note, and the real reason for this post, in his recent post Waldo suggests some very good reasons to contribute to the Virginia Literacy Foundation. He convinced me, go there and see if he can convince you.

I have decided to go the "NPR" route and challenge my fellow conservative bloggers (Virginia and otherwise) to match my $100.00 donation.

To those who, for whatever reason, are uneasy making an online donation, the address is;

The Virginia Literacy Foundation
413 Stuart Circle, Executive Suite 130
Richmond, Virginia 23220

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