Friday, December 15, 2006

I Smell Christmas!

Wow, Em! It even smells like Christmas in here . . . what is it, air freshener? Candle? Oh, I should've guessed - you've got apples and cinnamon in the crock pot! I love your decorations, even more so now that I've relocated my sunglasses.

I 've decided not to decorate (or even visit) my site for the holidays. I always lose a blog post or two when I fiddle with it and besides, ever try putting antlers and tinsel on a Jack Russell? Since you still have ten fingers, I suppose not. Besides, this place is so cheery . . . I think I'll make myself comfortable . . . . sit a spell.

Anyway, I stopped by to admire the decorations, wish you a Merry Christmas, and rib you a little bit for being so predictable: I got your Blogger password on my third guess. Watergate. Ho ho ho!

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