Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Doug Rant I Would Not Be Able To Shrug Off

I posted this some time back, but decided to hold off on it for a while so I saved it as a draft until now.

My lead electrician was a sailor. His late wife was a sailor.

Doug is apolitical. Doug is a widower. He's a great guy, but he cares nothing for politics. It was I that informed him that one of his old bosses was in the running to be his Senator. True to his nature, he shrugged it off. He was surprised when I told him that Webb had no clue where or what Craney Island was, though.

Doug and Kim met on board the oiler they worked on. I'm sure he would be shocked to learn that James Webb considered his late wife a "horney woman". Right now I'm thankful that Doug does not know of this blog. I would not want to be the one to tell him how a former Secretary of the Navy feels about his wife.

You see, Doug can go off. His daily goal is to chew out as many people before lunch as possible. I've learned to ignore most of his rants, but when he's on a serious rant he can't be ignored. Go here and read this about James Webb's thoughts regarding Doug's late wife. But please, do not tell Doug what you find there.

Since I originally wrote this there have been other reports in the news about Mr. Webb's blatant sexism;
Here in the Richmond Times Dispatch
Here in Navy Times

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